Parking Validations Policy
See https://batteryatl.com/directions-parking/ for most uptodate policy information
On event days customers parking in the Red, Green, Yellow and Purple Decks at The Battery Atlanta who spend $50 or more at Battle & Brew in The Battery Atlanta will be provided a parking validation. Validations are available when requested directly from the Battle & Brew Battery if entry to the deck was made in the event rate timeframe and parking ticket is presented.
Groups splitting checks will receive one validation per every $50 spent.
Ticket purchases and Hyundai Valet receipts do not count toward event day validations. Validations are only available if entry is made within the Event Rate timeframe and if parking ticket is presented upon request. to see event rate timeframe please reference batteryAtl parking policies.
Please note, the Orange Deck, Silver Deck and Delta Deck are excluded from validations.
*Event days apply to Coca-Cola Roxy Concerts and events in Truist Park. Validations are only available if entry is made within the Event Rate timeframe and if parking ticket is presented upon request.